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At The Coffee Roaster we love rewarding our customers. One way we do that is through our "beans" program, which allows you to earn points (beans) on every purchase. In this post, we're going to teach you how to get signed up, how to earn beans and (the best part) how to spend them! Let's get started... 

How to sign up:

  1. On our website, click on the "rewards program" star button on the bottom right hand corner of the page. 
  2. Click "Join Now".
  3. Enter in your first and last name, a valid email address and a password (use a password and email you'll remember).
  4. Click submit and that's it! You're signed up and ready to start earning beans.
  5. BONUS - Check your email after signing up and you'll see that you earned 50 beans just for getting started! 

Ways to earn "beans":

  • For every $1 you spend, you earn 10 beans.
  • 50 beans for liking our Facebook page.
  • 50 beans for following us on Instagram.
  • 500 beans on your birthday! 

How to check your balance:

  1. Click on the rewards button on the bottom right hand corner.
  2. If you are logged in, your "beans" will appear at the top of the menu. 
  3. If you are not logged in, you can do that by clicking "Join Now" or by clicking login at the top right hand corner of the website!

How much are points worth?

  • 500 beans = $5 off
  • 1000 beans = $10 off
  • 1000 beans = Free Shipping
  • 1500 beans = $15 off
  • 2000 beans = $20 off
  • 5000 beans = $50 off

How to spend your beans:

  1. After you've added everything you want to your cart, click the "rewards program" button.
  2. If you have enough beans, you will see your available coupon appear in the menu.
  3. Click "redeem" and then click "apply code"
  4. TIP - If you clicked apply code and it didn't do it automatically, you can copy and paste the generated coupon code at the checkout page. 
  5. That's it! You just saved money for drinking fresh roasted coffee... how cool is that?

Refer your friends!

When you click on the "rewards program" button and scroll down to the bottom of the menu you will see our referral program. Simply click the copy button next to the referral link and share it with your friends. When they purchase something using that link, you'll receive a $3 off coupon and your friends will receive $3 off their first order! It's a true win/win.


Your points work in-store and online! The above instructions are for using your points online. If you're stopping in the store, we'll ask for your email or last name and let you know if you have any beans to spend. Super easy, which is how we like it. 

Thank you for supporting the Coffee Roaster! 

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Also in FAQ

Subscribing and Managing Your Account

This post is designed to help you understand all there is to know about subscribing and managing your subscriptions at The Coffee Roaster.